Miriam Sheerin and Jimmy Dowds are the main team behind this venture.
Between them they have over 40 years experience of working with renewable energy systems and are FETAC qualified “Train the Trainers.”
In 2008 they wrote the first two FETAC national course modules on Renewable Energy. They also helped to structure and teach the first FETAC full time course on renewable energy and sustainable building practises which was taught in Co Leitrim.
Their business is called Eirbyte and has been off-grid since 2001 since then they have been installing, designing and teaching renewable energy systems both across Ireland and Portugal.
Home and office are off-grid which means that they do not have a connection to the national electricity grid, Their power is generated by solar PV (Photovoltaic) panels and a Hugh Piggott design wind turbine.
In 2007 they organised for Hugh Piggott to come and teach the first wind turbine building workshop in Ireland.
It is believed that Eirbyte were the first Irish system designers and installers whose home and business has always relied solely on off grid renewable energy.